Growing Together
A Welcoming Church at the Heart of Fishkill
Fishkill United Methodist Church offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community.
We are a church that strives to worship God, love people, and bring healing and hope to our families, neighbors, workplaces, the community of Fishkill, and beyond.
Our Staff

Art Labriola
Music Director
Carole Repose
Administrative Assistant
Martin Guerrero

Lay Leader
Church Council Co-Chairs
Board of Trustees President
Staff-Parish Relations Chair
Finance Committee Chair
Nominations Committee Chair
Outreach Committee Chair
Worship Committee Chair
Youth Group Leaders
United Methodist Women Chair
Memorials Committee Chair
Endowment Committee Chair

Our History
The Church now standing at the corner of Broad and Smith Streets is the original building. The cornerstone was laid on October 17, 1838 and the building was completed on December 23, 1841. In those days it was the custom to build a Methodist Church with only a belfry - no steeple.
In 1862 rent was charged for the use of the pews. (There's no charge today!) For the period of 1868-80, the membership ranged between 54 and 143. Today it numbers almost 600. Electric lights were installed in the Church in 1913 at a cost of $72. A Greek-Corinthian column was salvaged from a local mansion in 1939 and split in half. The resultant two pilasters grace the wall behind the pulpit.
During late 1987, it was found that the original roof trusses of the Church were failing and required replacing. The Trustees moved rapidly, found a qualified contractor and renovation began on April 4, 1988. Thirty-three days later the job was completed - including refurbishing the Sanctuary with greatly improved lighting. While construction was in progress, Sunday services were held in the Fellowship Hall. The Sanctuary was reopened for worship on May 22, 1988. The Sanctuary was air conditioned during 1998. In late 1956, a three-story addition was built perpendicularly and adjoining the back of the Church. This expansion provided a number of classrooms, an enlarged Fellowship Room, and offices for the Pastor and Secretary.
A brick parsonage was erected next to the church in 1865 for $2,344. The site was being used for burials. To prepare this site, arrangements were made to relocate the graves in the Fishkill Rural Cemetery. During 1991-92, the building was extensively renovated to include a full front porch. It is now being rented.
Since 1853, 54 pastors have served the Church. Rev. William R. Siktberg served the longest, from 1966 to 1988 - retiring to Indiana. He was succeeded by Rev. Robert E. Richmond, who retired in June, 1999 and moved to North Carolina. Rev. Arlene Beechert-Hood, appointed by the Bishop, became the spiritual leader of this church on July 1, 1999. Rev. Peggy Ann Sauerhoff began as the new pastor on July 7, 2002 and served through June of 2013. Rev. Linda Willey followed her and served as Pastor through June 2018. Rev. Micah Coleman Campbell followed her and served through June 2022. Pastor Daniel Elliott Levine, our present pastor, began his appointment here July 1, 2022.

Our Denominational Affiliation
Part of a Bigger Tent
As our name indicates, we are part of the United Methodist denomination. Though we don't always agree with every action and stance taken by the denomination, we are proud to be a part of global denomination that ties together people of all kinds, united in making disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.
Within that broader denomination, Fishkill UMC is a member church of the New York Annual Conference. For more information on the New York Annual Conference or the United Methodist Church, click the links below.